Right Wing Extremism in Germany


Links Between Neo-Nazi Gang and German Secret Service?

Ties linking the Neo-Nazi “National Socialist Underground” gang responsible for a string of terror bombings in Germany to Germany’s own secret service have been revealed in the wake of the suicides of two suspected members. The group is believed to be responsible for the murder of  a policewoman and nine immigrant street vendors with gun […]

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Germany Outlaws Right Wing Group.

Germany’s largest far-right political group, a “Neo-Nazi” movement called the Help Organization for National Political Prisoners and their Families or HNG, was banned in an announcement by the Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich. HNG was founded in 1979 and is accused of inciting prisoners to continue their right wing views while incarcerated. Germany’s Office for the […]

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Germany Outlaws Right Wing Group.

Germany’s largest far-right political group, a “Neo-Nazi” movement called the Help Organization for National Political Prisoners and their Families or HNG, was banned in an announcement by the Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich. HNG was founded in 1979 and is accused of inciting prisoners to continue their right wing views while incarcerated. Germany’s Office for the […]

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