The Infamous Geraldo Rivera Show Skinhead Brawl

Remember that time a bunch of skinheads caused a riot on the old Geraldo talkshow? Demagaga remembers…

Famous Geraldo Skinhead Brawl

After inviting a bunch of self-avowed racists to his talk show back in the 1980s, Geraldo Rivera probably never gave to much thought to how the scene would play out, given that this was not the most controversial nor the only controversial topic he featured on his show. Boy, was he wrong. These dudes came ready to roll and a riot situation ensued. After calling one of the guests a racist slur, a fight breaks out and the whole audience gets involved in the melee. Funny thing is, these guys were circuit clowns back in the day, peddling their racist garbage all over the media, even making it to the Oprah show.

The video above is proof positive that anyone can change, and, indeed, is a heartwarming palate cleanser after the racist garbage shown above. If you want to see the full Geraldo show, it is embedded below.