Officer Fausto Lopez Pulled Over Doing 120 MPH by Fellow Cop.

An absolute furore surrounding Miami-Dade County police officer Fausto Lopez after he was pulled over for doing 120 mph in a police squad car while on his way to a second job. Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado said that Officer Lopez’s actions brought many things into question and that no one should ever be driving 120 mph. In other obvious observations, “Manuel Orosa, acting Miami police chief, told El Nuevo Herald that any person driving at that speed is seriously endangering public safety.” Aside from all this breathtakingly astute commentary, officials have been mum on what will happen to Officer Lopez, though two separate agencies are now in the process of investigating the affair. Univision Channel 23 has video of the pursuit and shows the officer pursuing Lopez’s squad car for a full seven minutes with lights and siren blaring. Upon being pulled over, Officer Lopez was ticketed for a misdemeanor driving offense and released, whereas a normal person would be lucky to not be shot dead on the side of the road for such wantonly careless behavior.

[Miami Herald]