White House


Extra, Extra: Harry Potter by Ayn Rand, Japan’s Going to the Moon, Cuban Cancer Vaccine on Way to US?

Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens Official Teaser Trailer #2 (2015) – Star Wars Movie HD from MovieClips Harry Potter as Imagined by Ayn Rand Real Ads from the Mad Men Era Who is Kylo Ren? Star Wars Character Profiled White House Correspondents Dinner 2015 Jokes Japan Plans Moon Rover by 2018 Russian […]

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British Prime Minister David Cameron Warns of Possible UK Exit from the European Union

A speech that was to be delivered by United Kingdom Prime Minister David Cameron but was canceled due to a hostage crisis in Algeria warns that Britain could leave the European Union if reforms to the EU’s present form of governance are not pursued according to excerpts released on Friday, January 18. His speech, which was to be […]

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Oscar Ortega-Hernandez Charged with Assassination Attempt on U.S. President Barack Obama.

Oscar Ortega-Hernandez, a 21 year-old from Idaho Falls, Idaho, has been charged with the attempted assassination of President Barack Obama. If convicted of the charges he could face life in prison. Ortega-Hernandez claimed Obama was the anti-Christ and was apprehended in western Pennsylvania after abandoning his vehicle by the National Institute of Peace back in […]

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