
New IMF chief Christine LaGarde advocates capital injections for European banks.

IMF Chief Christine LaGarde, replacement for Dominique Strauss Kahn (who seemed to be busier chasing tail than focusing on his job), has advocated for a capital injection into European banks and states that ‘decoupling’ EU states from the monetary union is a myth. She has argued for capital injections into European banks, solutions to the […]

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Will the collapse of sovereign debt in Europe trigger the end of the Euro and the EU?

Ever since 2008 the financial world has been roiling because of various forms of insolvency. The most frightening of all developments has been the revelation that certain members of the EU have failed to adopt modernization policies (maintaining cartels and old labor agreements that were unworkable) aimed at making their economies more competitive and that […]

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Bundesbank disapproves of ECB bond buying.

The German Bundesbank has increased pressure on German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s attempts at shoring up support for the ECB bailout of the sovereign debts of Italy and Spain in an attempt to stave off unsustainable future borrowing costs for the two beleaguered EU states. This just highlights the coordination difficulties inherent in the current financial […]

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