90 Miles or 900 Miles? Belgian Grandmother Journeys to Zagreb, Croatia Due to GPS Error

It’s a traveler’s worst nightmare: the GPS error. It’s happened to many of us.

What should be a seemingly short trip becomes complicated due to computer navigational errors that send you on a complex and winding route markedly more difficult than just staying on the highway for another two hours.

Unfortunately, and for reasons not entirely explained, a 67-year old Belgian grandmother became confused when attempting to use her car’s GPS navigational system to go to a train station 90 miles north of her home in Hainault Erquelinnes to pick up a friend in the Belgian capital, Brussels. Instead, Sabine Moreau drove over the course of two days to Zagreb, Croatia – 900 miles away from her home and perhaps the world record for longest distance driven while following an incorrect GPS system.

How in the heck did this happen? Well, Sabine says she was distracted.

I was distracted, so I kept driving. I saw all kinds of traffic signs, first in French, then German and finally in Croatian, but I kept driving because I was distracted. Suddenly I appeared in Zagreb and I realized I wasn’t in Belgium anymore.

For two days and nine hours. Again, not all of the facts are entirely present in the case but thankfully Sabine is safe at home with her family.


[El Mundo, Gizmodo]