Facebook Hijacked By Porn and Gore.

You may have noticed a slight difference when logging into your Facebook account yesterday: namely, the addition of streaming porn in your newsfeed. An exploit in the Facebook programming has allowed for the streaming of hardcore porn and gore to be shown in a user’s newsfeed. Not only are the images guaranteed to be be offensive, but also they are signs that your account is now a part of the legions of others in a coordinated spam attack. A possible solution to the hack can be found here. According to ZDNet, a linkspam virus is luring users into clicking links that leave their account vulnerable to the xss hack. Some are blaming Anonymous while others are noting the similarities between the images and 4chan/b images. If images of hardcore gore and porn offend you then you should avoid Facebook until the exploit is fixed and if you are infected with the spam you should try the link above to fix the issue. The current issue with the Facebook newsfeed illustrates the continual need for security safeguards and robust programming in a social network comprising all age groups.

